Employee Profile: Shelley Dean
Posted on June 6, 2024
Shelley Dean has been recruiting at Entech for the past 11 years, but her connection to our team goes far beyond that. Shelley and Kathy Camara (our CEO) have been best friends since middle school, both standing up in each other’s weddings and remaining close to this day. After sitting down with Shelley and getting to know her a little better, it is clear why their friendship has stood the test of time. We all know Shelley as a hardworking, sharp and capable colleague. But she is also fiercely loyal, loving, and empathetic.
Q: What is your role here at Entech?
I started 11 years ago as a Recruiter, and that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. Prior to Entech I mostly worked for automotive suppliers. I lost my job with the recession and was off for two years, raising my son. I found a job I wasn’t happy at, and so Kathy told me she would hire me as soon as she had an opening, and she did. It was a totally new role, but it was a great fit. I knew I’d enjoy working for Kathy. When you work for someone that you care about, you work harder, because you never want to let that person down. Especially since I have so much respect for Kathy. It can be challenging at times, because you feel personally responsible for things you can’t control in this line of work. We are working with people, and people can be unpredictable.
Q: Would you say that is one of the more difficult aspects of the job? Feeling responsible for things out of your control?
Yes, definitely. Because you are dealing with human beings and we are all different. But it can also be one of the best aspects of the job, because you will often be pleasantly surprised. I always get excited for people when they get hired on, because my goal is always to find the right match. You have people who may be having a hard time, so when you find them the right match and it could be their job forever, it is a great feeling. That is, for me, the ultimate goal.
Q: And what is life like for you outside of the office?
I am a homebody. I live with my husband and son in the country, in Holly. I have been with my husband for 27 years. We met at “The Quake on the Lake.” It was a party on the water and everyone else was out on the boats besides the two of us, so we got to talking. I seriously knew the next day that I was going to marry him.
Q: How did you know?
Because he was easy going. I like easy going people. That’s the way I am. We just clicked. I try to always be positive. The last three years has made that a struggle for all of us, but I try my best.
Q: So what is it you like to do at home?
I like to decorate. Hang out with my family. Play with our dogs. My son and I love antiquing in Holly. He is an old soul and a lot of fun to be around. He’s on his school’s robotics team. So a lot of my free time is spent supporting his activities. My husband and I just bought a hunting cabin as well that needs to be fixed up, so that is our next project. He loves hunting, and his dream was having property up north. I did hunt with him at one point. It really helped me understand him better, if that makes sense. I don’t hunt anymore though. I’m not sure I could kill a deer. I have too much empathy for it. Just don’t think I could do it. After going through some personal hardship in my late 20’s, all I’ve really wanted is a happy family, a job that I love, and a home I can stay in. If I have that, I have everything. And I do have that now, so I am very happy.
Q: So you and your son are buddies at home, and then you get to work every day with your daughter, Brooke! Tell me what that is like.
Yes it is great, I get to see my daughter every day. I know you never plan to work with your mother, but we have a really good relationship. She has worked so hard and is an important part of our team. Through all of the ups and downs here, she definitely steps it up. It makes me proud to be able to see her succeed.
Shelley, it is clear how much a strong and caring community means to you. We are so lucky to have you as a part of our Entech community. Thank you for all the love and light you bring to our team!
Wonderful profile on Shelley Dean! It’s inspiring to see dedicated professionals making a difference. Utilizing an IT Contract Staffing Service can help companies find skilled individuals like Shelley who contribute greatly to the team. Keep highlighting these success stories!
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