Employee Profile: Stephanie Wood
Posted on June 5, 2024
If you have worked with our Senior Recruiter Stephanie Wood, you know what a kind, friendly, caring person she is. Her leadership and energy elevate the office. Stephanie is currently an expecting mother, and we caught her on the day of her company-thrown baby shower to ask her a few questions before she goes on maternity leave.
Q: How long have you worked at Entech?
A: I started in 2015, so it will be 6 years in November. I started as a Staffing Specialist. After my first year, I started taking on more responsibilities: working on the website, focusing on marketing, working on the higher-level positions. That became more of my passion. I have always loved a leadership role where I can train people. Discovering these passions evolved me into my current role, Senior Recruiter and Program Development.
Q: What is your favorite part of your job?
A: The initial phone call. That is when you really get to know candidates. It is the most exciting part and the biggest challenge to be able to determine what will be a good fit for the candidate.
Q: What’s going on with your life outside of work and how do you balance the two?
A: I’m married to an amazing person named Ethan who I love so much, and we are expecting our first child. Outside of work I love to hang out with friends and go do things. Ethan and I can never stand still, we are always doing things.
Being able to work here while I am transitioning to this role as a mom has been crazy because we are women-owned, women-ran, so I’ve seen the girls be pregnant and deliver. Now that I am in that position I have so many women I can lean on and I don’t think they realize how much that has helped me. I could never imagine working anywhere else while going through this because I don’t think they could really understand what I am going through.
Q: Did you grow up in this area?
A: I grew up in Macomb. My parents migrated here from the Middle East when they were 17 and 18. Being able to see their work and make something of themselves has been such an inspiration. If they could do it, not even knowing the language, we can. My parents fled Iraq because of the war. They ended up in Greece, got married, applied for a Visa, and moved to the US.
It’s so interesting with our jobs when we get applicants who need a work sponsor because that’s what my parents went through when they were here on a Visa. My mom was pregnant with me as soon as she came here, so now with me being pregnant it just gives me so much empathy for what she was going through. With all they went through it makes me see how much easier I have it and makes me want to work that much harder. That’s why outside of work I have such a deep appreciation of family. That’s also why it is so important for me to work at a place where coworkers are close like Entech because we really do have a work family.
Q: What is your favorite thing about working at Entech?
A: The holidays. It is such an exciting time of the year. The owners just go above and beyond and make us feel great. Also, the showers they throw. Today is bittersweet at my baby shower, bringing me back to the bridal shower they threw me. It is just this ultimate feeling you don’t want to go away. It comes from the top, leaders who really want us to do this.
I remember one of the gifts that I got, it’s a picture frame with two crossroads with my last name and Ethan’s last name. I remember opening it and bawling my eyes out, and it was one of the best memories. That was the exact moment I realized the next chapter of my life is beginning. There are so many great memories here. We have laughed and cried, and it all comes back to us being a family.
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