How to Nail the Interview
Posted on June 5, 2024
For some people, the interview stage of the job-seeking process is their time to shine. For others, it is their worst nightmare. As the liaison between employers and employees, Entech has your back. Our staff has seen all sides of the application process in their years of experience – the good, the bad, and the amazing! We are happy to advise our employees on all steps of the application process, so they can make their next career move.
Below are some of our top tricks for every step of the interview. Keep reading to learn from the pros what you need to do during the interview process to help you exude confidence, summarize your experience, connect with your interviewer, and, ultimately, make a great impression.
Before the Interview
Preparation, preparation, preparation. The best way to communicate confidence at an interview is to prepare for every scenario. Print extra copies of your resume to have on hand, as well as a pen in case you need to take notes. Pick out an outfit ahead of time that makes you feel confident but also reflects the professional demeanor you will bring to the workplace. It is far better to be overdressed than underdressed when it comes to an interview. Putting effort into your hygiene and appearance will show the employer that you care. And finally, prepare the content of your interview. Study the company you are interviewing for and determine their values. How does your experience align with these values? What are the top messages you want to make sure come across through the course of your interview? Brainstorm ways to sneak this information in. Prepare some answers to standard interview questions and have a loved one conduct a mock interview to practice those responses. We will go into standard interview questions in an upcoming blog.
Here is the rundown of what to do before the day of the interview:
- Bring printed copies of your resume (don’t forget extras)
- Bring a pen and paper to take notes
- Choose a professional outfit that you feel comfortable and confident wearing
- Research the company where you want to work (bonus: think how to reveal this research during the interview)
- Prepare answers to common interview questions
During the Interview
Now that you are feeling confident and prepared, it is time to bring that preparation to fruition. When you meet your interviewer, the standard procedure is to greet them with a firm handshake. Note: due to COVID, some employers may not feel comfortable with this. Follow their lead. Once the interview has begun, remember those key points you wanted to get across and try to find ways to work them into your conversation. But don’t force it. Remember that as someone considering this as a place of employment, you too hold power. This should be an organic conversation where both parties are getting to know each other. By understanding the power you have in the situation, you can feel more confident in your response. Above all else, be yourself, just a slightly more professional version of yourself. Interviewers want to see if you would be a good fit for the company and if the company would be a good fit for you. The only way to do this is to be your true authentic self.
As a reminder, here is what to do during the interview:
- Offer to shake your interviewer’s hand (respect social distancing)
- Speak conversationally, yet professionally
- Address your prepared responses naturally – make sure to bring up researched notes
- Remember your power
After the Interview
The interview is over, but there is more you can do to communicate your value. Write your interviewers a note of gratitude for their time within 24 hours of your interview. Hand-written notes are excellent, but email works just fine. Taking the time to express your gratitude will highlight your enthusiasm for the position. After that, let it sit. Depending on the company, it can take employers weeks to decide on an employee. Wait a week from the date of your interview to send a follow-up email. Following up shows enthusiasm, but you don’t want to cross over from enthusiastic to annoying.
After your interview, remind them of how awesome you are by:
- Sending a note of gratitude within 24 hours (hand-written or emailed)
- Send a follow-up email after one week
- Be patient
Nail the Interview and Land the Job with Professional Help from Entech
If you’ve followed the steps above for each stage of the interview process, you are sure to be a competitive candidate for any position. The key to a great interview? Confidence. You got this! At Entech we are excited to help you in all the steps of landing a new job. Give our team a call today to take the first step toward your dream job.
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